< : FilterChain>


FilterChain may contain a chained set of filter readers.


Attribute Description Type Required?
refid Makes this instance in effect a reference to another FilterChain instance.

You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside this element if you make it a reference.

Reference ?

Parameters accepted as nested elements

<headfilter> (Of type HeadFilter )

Reads the first n lines of a stream. (Default is first 10 lines.)


<headfilter lines="3"/>
<filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.HeadFilter">
    <param name="lines" value="3"/>
Attribute Description Type Required
lines Sets the number of lines to be returned in the filtered stream. long ?
skip Sets the number of lines to be skipped in the filtered stream. long ?

<classconstants> (Of type ClassConstants )

Assembles the constants declared in a Java class in key1=value1(line separator)key2=value2 format.


  1. This filter uses the BCEL external toolkit.
  2. This assembles only those constants that are not created using the syntax new whatever()
  3. This assembles constants declared using the basic datatypes and String only.
  4. The access modifiers of the declared constants do not matter.
Attribute Description Type Required

<linecontains> (Of type LineContains )

Filter which includes only those lines that contain all the user-specified strings. Example:
   <contains value="foo">
   <contains value="bar">
<filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.LineContains">
    <param type="contains" value="foo"/>
    <param type="contains" value="bar"/>
This will include only those lines that contain foo and bar.
Attribute Description Type Required

<filterreader> ...

An AntFileReader is a wrapper class that encloses the classname and configuration of a Configurable FilterReader.
Attribute Description Type Required
classpath Set the classpath to load the FilterReader through (attribute). Path ?
classpathref Set the classpath to load the FilterReader through via reference (attribute). Reference ?
refid Makes this instance in effect a reference to another AntFilterReader instance.

You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside this element if you make it a reference.

Reference ?
classname String ?

<replaceregex> (Of type TokenFilter.ReplaceRegex )

filter to replace regex.
Attribute Description Type Required
flags String ?
byline boolean ?
replace the to attribute String ?
pattern the from attribute String ?

<replacetokens> (Of type ReplaceTokens )

Replaces tokens in the original input with user-supplied values. Example:
<replacetokens begintoken="#" endtoken="#">
   <token key="DATE" value="${TODAY}"/>
<filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens">
   <param type="tokenchar" name="begintoken" value="#"/>
   <param type="tokenchar" name="endtoken" value="#"/>
   <param type="token" name="DATE" value="${TODAY}"/>
Attribute Description Type Required
begintoken Sets the "begin token" character. char ?
endtoken Sets the "end token" character. char ?

<escapeunicode> (Of type EscapeUnicode )

This method converts non-latin characters to unicode escapes. Useful to load properties containing non latin Example:
Attribute Description Type Required

<ignoreblank> (Of type TokenFilter.IgnoreBlank )

Filter remove empty tokens
Attribute Description Type Required
byline boolean ?

<tailfilter> (Of type TailFilter )

Reads the last n lines of a stream. (Default is last10 lines.) Example:
<tailfilter lines="3"/>
<filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.TailFilter">
   <param name="lines" value="3"/>
Attribute Description Type Required
lines Sets the number of lines to be returned in the filtered stream. long ?
skip Sets the number of lines to be skipped in the filtered stream. long ?

<tabstospaces> (Of type TabsToSpaces )

Converts tabs to spaces. Example:
<tabtospaces tablength="8"/>
<filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.TabsToSpaces">
   <param name="tablength" value="8"/>
Attribute Description Type Required
tablength Sets the tab length. int ?

<prefixlines> (Of type PrefixLines )

Attaches a prefix to every line. Example:
<prefixlines prefix="Foo"/>
<filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.PrefixLines">
  <param name="prefix" value="Foo"/>
Attribute Description Type Required
prefix Sets the prefix to add at the start of each input line. String ?

<trim> (Of type TokenFilter.Trim )

Filter to trim white space
Attribute Description Type Required
byline boolean ?

<expandproperties> (Of type ExpandProperties )

Expands Ant properties, if any, in the data.


Attribute Description Type Required

<striplinebreaks> (Of type StripLineBreaks )

Filter to flatten the stream to a single line. Example:
Attribute Description Type Required
linebreaks Sets the line-breaking characters. String ?

<replacestring> (Of type TokenFilter.ReplaceString )

Simple replace string filter.
Attribute Description Type Required
byline boolean ?
from the from attribute String ?
to the to attribute String ?

<striplinecomments> (Of type StripLineComments )

This filter strips line comments. Example:
   <comment value="#"/>
   <comment value="--"/>
   <comment value="REM "/>
   <comment value="rem "/>
   <comment value="//"/>
   <param type="comment" value="#"/>
   <param type="comment" value="--"/>
   <param type="comment" value="REM "/>
   <param type="comment" value="rem "/>
   <param type="comment" value="//"/>
Attribute Description Type Required

<tokenfilter> (Of type TokenFilter )

This splits up input into tokens and passes the tokens to a sequence of filters.
Attribute Description Type Required
delimoutput set the output delimiter. String ?

<stripjavacomments> (Of type StripJavaComments )

This is a Java comment and string stripper reader that filters those lexical tokens out for purposes of simple Java parsing. (if you have more complex Java parsing needs, use a real lexer). Since this class heavily relies on the single char read function, you are recommended to make it work on top of a buffered reader.
Attribute Description Type Required

<containsregex> (Of type TokenFilter.ContainsRegex )

filter to filter tokens matching regular expressions.
Attribute Description Type Required
flags String ?
byline boolean ?
replace String ?
pattern String ?

<deletecharacters> (Of type TokenFilter.DeleteCharacters )

Filter to delete characters
Attribute Description Type Required
chars Set the list of characters to delete String ?

<linecontainsregexp> (Of type LineContainsRegExp )

Filter which includes only those lines that contain the user-specified regular expression matching strings. Example:
   <regexp pattern="foo*">
<filterreader classname="org.apache.tools.ant.filters.LineContainsRegExp">
    <param type="regexp" value="foo*"/>
This will fetch all those lines that contain the pattern foo
Attribute Description Type Required