<packaging : Untar>


Untar a file.

For JDK 1.1 "last modified time" field is set to current time instead of being carried from the archive file.

PatternSets are used to select files to extract from the archive. If no patternset is used, all files are extracted.

FileSet>s may be used to select archived files to perform unarchival upon.

File permissions will not be restored on extracted files.

The untar task recognizes the long pathname entries used by GNU tar.


Attribute Description Type Required?
compression Set decompression algorithm to use; default=none. Allowable values are
  • none - no compression
  • gzip - Gzip compression
  • bzip2 - Bzip2 compression
String ["none", "gzip", "bzip2"] ?
overwrite boolean ?
dest File ?
encoding No encoding support in Untar. String ?
src File ?

Parameters accepted as nested elements

<fileset> ...

Moved out of MatchingTask to make it a standalone object that could be referenced (by scripts for example).
Attribute Description Type Required
refid Reference ?
file File ?
dir File ?
defaultexcludes boolean ?
followsymlinks boolean ?
casesensitive boolean ?
excludes String ?
includesfile File ?
excludesfile File ?
includes String ?

<patternset> ...

Named collection of include/exclude tags.

Moved out of MatchingTask to make it a standalone object that could be referenced (by scripts for example).

Attribute Description Type Required
includes Appends includes to the current list of include patterns. Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space. String ?
refid Makes this instance in effect a reference to another PatternSet instance.

You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside this element if you make it a reference.

Reference ?
excludesfile Sets the name of the file containing the excludes patterns. File ?
includesfile Sets the name of the file containing the includes patterns. File ?
excludes Appends excludes to the current list of exclude patterns. Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space. String ?