<network : mail>


A task to send SMTP email. This task can send mail using either plain text, UU encoding or Mime format mail depending on what is available. Attachments may be sent using nested FileSet elements.


Attribute Description Type Required?
cclist String ?
messagefile File ?
password String ?
encoding String ["auto", "mime", "uu", "plain"] ?
charset String ?
files String ?
subject String ?
message String ?
ssl boolean ?
tolist String ?
mailport Sets the mailport parameter of this build task. int ?
messagemimetype String ?
from String ?
bcclist String ?
replyto String ?
mailhost String ?
failonerror boolean ?
includefilenames boolean ?
user String ?

Parameters accepted as nested elements

<fileset> ...

Moved out of MatchingTask to make it a standalone object that could be referenced (by scripts for example).
Attribute Description Type Required
refid Reference ?
file File ?
dir File ?
defaultexcludes boolean ?
followsymlinks boolean ?
casesensitive boolean ?
excludes String ?
includesfile File ?
excludesfile File ?
includes String ?

<bcc> (Of type EmailAddress )

Holds an email address.
Attribute Description Type Required
address Sets the email address String ?
name Sets the personal / display name of the address String ?

<message> (Of type Message )

Class representing an email message.
Attribute Description Type Required
mimetype Sets the content type for the message String ?
src Sets the source file of the message File ?
charset Sets the character set of mail message. Will be ignored if mimeType contains ....; Charset=... substring. String ?

<replyto> (Of type EmailAddress )

Holds an email address.
Attribute Description Type Required
address Sets the email address String ?
name Sets the personal / display name of the address String ?

<cc> (Of type EmailAddress )

Holds an email address.
Attribute Description Type Required
address Sets the email address String ?
name Sets the personal / display name of the address String ?

<to> (Of type EmailAddress )

Holds an email address.
Attribute Description Type Required
address Sets the email address String ?
name Sets the personal / display name of the address String ?

<from> (Of type EmailAddress )

Holds an email address.
Attribute Description Type Required
address Sets the email address String ?
name Sets the personal / display name of the address String ?