< : MacroDef>


Describe class MacroDef here.


Attribute Description Type Required?
name Name of the definition String ?
uri String ?

Parameters accepted as nested elements


The class corresponding to the sequential nested element. This is a simple task container.
Attribute Description Type Required


A nested element for the MacroDef task.
Attribute Description Type Required
implicit is this element implicit ? boolean ?
optional is this element optional ? boolean ?
name The name of the element. String ?


A nested element for the MacroDef task.
Attribute Description Type Required
default The default value to use if the parameter is not used in the templated instance. String ?
name The name of the attribute. String ?


A nested text element for the MacroDef task.
Attribute Description Type Required
trim The trim attribute of the text element. boolean ?
optional The optional attribute of the text element. boolean ?
name The name of the attribute. String ?